I was cleaning up my office recently and came across something I totally forgot about: my trashed Apple Watch.
So the story goes that once I finally bit the bullet and dropped coin for an Apple Watch, I was actually pretty happy with it considering I was never a “watch” person. Frankly I’m impressed I wore it at all, but it did keep me on track and I started being on time for things.
Fast forward maybe 2 weeks after I got it, and went to go for a motorcycle ride. Well since I definitely don’t want to mess up my watch, I put it in my jacket pocket. No problem.
Decided to get on the turnpike that day, and of course I forgot about the ezpass I had put…in my jacket pocket. It was dumb but I’d unzip my pocket and get out the ezpass while rolling through the toll booth, which I’ve since fixed by properly mounting the ezpass.
Anyhow, you can probably see where this is going. I got home, and lo and behold the watch is missing. Suddenly realizing what had happened, I jumped right back on the bike and did several trips on the turnpike looking for the watch; since I had Applecare I figured I was covered even if it broke.
Couldn’t find it and gave up. The next day I took the turnpike again, and sure enough looking carefully I spotted the watch in the middle of the interchange, and somehow there was no traffic for a minute while I opened the door and grabbed uhh, the pieces.
Now flat as a pancake, it definitely didn’t work anymore, but HEY I bought Applecare! I’m good! Took it back to the store and they said they’d have to “send it out for repair”. Yea sure..repair. Right. Naturally I get it back in a week or so in a nice white box, with a letter telling me it was “beyond repair”. Then I learned Applecare isn’t what they seem to sell you – if it gets a cracked screen or a scratch, sure. A destroyed item is not covered. So buyer beware with Applecare.
Suffice to say I never did buy a new watch, but I eventually did get one through a work contest, and yes I’m still happy with it. Ironically my original model was the “Nike” model, and I actually did reuse the Nike band on my new watch lol. So anyway, enjoy a couple pics of a “trashed” Apple Watch..