Continue reading “2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport – No Start after dead battery”It can’t be the starter…starters don’t really go bad that often…I mean they do, but nowadays? Naaaah.
Me – A few days ago
Buick GN Update: Bumpers cleaned up!
With the pandemic last year, I randomly started driving my 1986 Buick Grand National for the few times (literally 2-3 times a month) I drove into work. I had such a blast with it that it re-invigorated my love for the car, and wanting me to finally start working on it again, after months if not years of not doing much. I do regret not doing more with it sooner, but with life’s distractions out of the way, I’m a lot more focused than I was.
I tend to forget to share stuff here to track my progress (as slow as it is), but last weekend after a quick wash to get the really-big-chunks off the GN, I lamented over the fact that the bumpers looked as bad as they do. I’ve tried cleaning them in the past, tried pressure washing and other things, and could just never really clean them up.
Continue reading “Buick GN Update: Bumpers cleaned up!”Grand National Fuel Gauge Fix – Part 1
Finally. FINALLY. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, I get to post some non-nerd content 😉
A few weeks ago I was driving my 1986 Buick Grand National around, and while waiting at a red light, glanced down to check my fuel level. Now, normally the gauge was, well, not very precise. If the needle moved, it probably had something in it, and if it was sorta-kinda resting near E, there’s a chance it was close to bone dry. That day though, the needle was…well…gone, like out on vacation, nowhere to be seen. After making sure I was awake, I realized it was probably pegged, and a quick love-tap to the top of the instrument cluster brought it back to earth. I laughed it off, then realized that after owning the car for 16 years, the gas gauge never really worked right, and pondered if I could actually do something about it.
Continue reading “Grand National Fuel Gauge Fix – Part 1”Finally Did some Wrenching
Lansdale Under-The-Stars Car Show 2019

I had the pleasure of checking out the Lansdale “Under The Stars” car show this weekend, in Lansdale, PA. Lansdale does several gear head events every year, including the big Lansdale Bike Night that attracts thousands of motorcycles from around the area (hosted by Blue Comet Motorcycle club).
That said, I really like this car show as being a night owl, I love the idea of walking around nighttime checking out cool cars, hearing some live music and getting a bite to eat. It mimics the feel of the race nights/track nights, and honestly it’s just a great time in a great town.

You can find the web site and information about the Lansdale Under-The-Stars car show here:
I didn’t take too many pics, after a long day with my nephew I decided to just enjoy the event and check out some cool cars. I’m sure there’s tons of pics and vids out there for the world to enjoy, but maybe nex year pencil this event in if you’re a Gearhead in the Philly area.
Also to point out – if you missed this one, another nearby town Hatboro PA hosts a similar night time car show that’s coming up on July 27th. You can find info on that car show at