January 2025 – My How Time Flies

In coming in to post this, I saw some old drafts, one of which was from late 2023, talking about how my life was reduced to commuting between work and a hospital to visit my dad (he’s since recovered and back home!). In that draft I mentioned a quote by Winston Churchill:

If you’re going through hell, keep going!

I can certainly say that I think I was certainly there. Over the last 2 (nearly 3) years, I’ve experienced a major medical event myself, then lost now two family members and a good friend, all under the age of 60, and nearly lost my dad. I’m not out of the weeds yet, I certainly wouldn’t even blink if a meteor landed in the parking lot of the restaurant I’m at, but at the moment, I’m at the “keep going” part, for better or for worse.

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Figured I’d put up a personal blog post, as I think one is due.

To say the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions amongst other things, would certainly be an understatement. While things could have been worse, it’s just been a whirlwind of stuff going on, starting with a trip, continuing with a funeral, and other “life” things.

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New Year – Same old $hit?

Figured I’d try to keep up with the blog posts – things are going OK here in 2023 (as good as they can anyway). I’ve gotten nothing but good news from follow up doc visits, so I can at least be thankful for that.

Towards the end of last year, I realize just how much different my take on the holidays are vs years ago. As an adult, the magic is just…gone. I just see it now as the busiest, craziest, most overloaded month of the year.

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Like MA BELL…I got the ill communication!

Bell System Logo

So I guess this will be my first test of my Junknet > Mastodon integration. Hopefully it works!

Life has certainly been interesting lately, at least in the social media realm. With Twitter potentially circling the drain, I have set up an account on Mastodon as a backup. While the performance is a little lacking yet, which I totally expect from the likely-unprecedented number of Twitter orphans looking for a new home, I’m really impressed with it so far.

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Health Update

Just wanted to put up a quick post; after seeing a couple docs for follow-ups so far, while I have to have more tests done yet, things seem to be OK and no cause for concern. Whew!

Since my last update I’ve improved a ton, to the point that I’m more or less back to normal, save for the bruising and weird leg yet.

“Something’s Wrong”

Back in 2014, when work started doing “wellness initiaves” which included a blood test, I was remotely surprised when some of my tests didn’t come back so great. Nothing major, just more “yellow tags” than I expected. While I was still considered “young”, I was definitely into adulthood, and had zero qualms about eating fast food every other day of the week, and things like my daily coffee was thick with sugar.

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